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PearTree Sponsors PDAC 2022 Capital Markets Program

From June 14-16 the PearTree Team joined over 17,000 attendees for the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Convention. After moving to a virtual platform amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, PDAC is back live in action this year hosting a hybrid event split between 2 weeks to accommodate all who would like to participate.

A variety of important topics related to the Natural Resource & Mining industry were covered over the three – day live conference. Areas of conversation that were top of mind were critical minerals including the new credit available for eligible investors subscribing for flow-through shares to finance exploration for critical minerals in Canada, Indigenous relations & reconciliation, ESG in the mining space, , and the importance of battery metals.

PearTree is proud to have once again sponsored the Capital Markets Program, which provides a platform for a discussion on issues related to the financing of mineral exploration.

Be sure to follow on Twitter and connect with us on LinkedIn for industry updates.

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