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PearTree Founder & CEO, Ron Bernbaum is Awarded The AME Special Tribute Award

Ron Bernbaum is the recipient of the AME 2021 Special Tribute Award for service to the minerals industry in BC. As the founder of PearTree Canada, Ron is being acknowledged for his role in creating the Charitable Flow-Through financing mechanism. Introduced in 1972, flow-through shares are a tax-based financing incentive that gives Canada a distinct advantage over global competitors in attracting risk capital for mineral exploration and development. – Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia (AME BC)

Congratulations Ron Bernbaum for being honored by The Association for Mineral Exploration (AME). Ron has been selected to receive the 2021 Special Tribute Award for service to the minerals industry. Ron’s significant contribution to the Canadian mineral exploration and development sector will be celebrated at the prestigious AME Awards Gala.

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