Grâce à notre plateforme, vos clients réduiront le coût de leurs dons après impôt. Pour vous, à titre de conseiller, cela signifie plus d’argent libre d’impôt qui retournera dans leurs actifs sous gestion.
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Pour en savoir plus sur le don d’actions accréditives
PearTree recommande à tous ses clients de valider auprès de leurs conseillers financiers si sa plateforme s’applique à leur situation particulière de don. Aussitôt qu’un client est prêt à aller de l’avant, nous prenons en charge l’ensemble des démarches.
Imagine Canada
Les Entreprises généreuses d’Imagine Canada s’engagent à utiliser au moins 1 % de leur bénéfice avant impôt pour soutenir leurs communautés. Votre investissement communautaire de 1% peut provenir de trois sources : les dons en espèces ou en nature, le bénévolat rémunéré et les coûts de gestion.
Foire aux questions
A flow-through share is a tax-advantaged investment in the common shares of a Canadian company in the natural resource or renewable energy sector.
A company that issues flow-through shares renounces or “flows through” to the purchaser tax expenses associated with specific exploration, development, and project start-up activities that it would otherwise be permitted to deduct on its own tax return. The purchaser can deduct these Canadian Exploration Expenses (CEE) in an amount up to the flow-through shares’ purchase price in calculating their taxable income.
When the CEE meet additional specified criteria, the Federal government and certain provincial governments provide purchasers with tax credits in addition to the tax deductions.
Other than these unique tax benefits—which are available only to the shares’ first purchaser—flow-through shares are identical to common shares issued by the company.
PearTree accelerates significant gifts for charitable organizations via our Flow-Through Share Donation Format (FTSDF).
Because PearTree’s sole business activity is assisting charities and donors, we help your donors achieve a lower after-tax donation cost, leading to more transformational gifts for your charity.
PearTree significantly reduces the after-tax cost of giving via our Flow-Through Share Donation Platform (FTSDP), so you can increase or accelerate your philanthropy.
Donors can expect the average after-tax cost of your charitable giving to be less than 20% in all Canadian provinces, except Saskatchewan, which is less than 25%.
PearTree delivers an array of measurable value to resource issuers, such as:
- Maximizing mining flow through
- Maximizing oil & gas flow through
- Securing premium issue price
- Enabling access to strategic global investors
- No additional fees
To learn more, click here.