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Maximizing Strategic Giving with Bobby Kleinman: Private Company Shares

Maximizing Strategic Giving with Bobby Kleinman

Private Company Shares

Discover how to maximize your charitable giving potential through Private Company Shares, Bobby Kleinman will lead you through these intricate financial instruments, providing valuable insights into tax-efficient strategies and best practices.

For any questions or additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at askbobby@peartreecanada.com

Robert (Bobby) Kleinman FCPA, FCA. Bobby started in philanthropy in August of 1994 by becoming the Executive Director of the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal (JCF) which is seen to be Canada’s most donor-centred foundation. Previously a Partner in Taxation at Ernst and Young, he is now a Planned Giving Consultant specializing in tax-assisted giving. Bobby has helped many Canadian charities design their planned giving programmes, and has written numerous articles on the subject. He is also Past-President of the Conseil de la Philanthropie du Quebec, the Table Ronde du Quebec of the CAGP, JIAS Canada, JIAS Montreal, and the Mount Royal Tennis Club.

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