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Add Your Insights and Advice: Canada’s Critical Minerals Strategy

In response to the Federal government request for consultation PearTree is preparing submissions to be filed by the end of August with respect to tax incentives and other matters of priority in the Canadian resource sector and we want to work with you.
1. PearTree is aggregating your insights to be included in our submissions with or without attribution at your option
2. PearTree can assist you in making your own submissions
Feel free to provide your insights, advice and concerns. Contact PearTree’s VP, Government Relations Alanna Clark at Alanna.clark@peartreecanada.com

Here’s The Drill

Recently the Federal government released Canada’s Critical Minerals Strategy Discussion Paper: Opportunities from Exploration to Recycling (see Appendix A for consultation questions).

The strategy has five core objectives:
1. Support economic growth and competitiveness
2. Promote climate action and environmental protection
3. Enhance global security and partnerships with allies
4. Advance Indigenous reconciliation
5. Foster diverse and inclusive workforces and communities.

The consultation period will take place up until September 15th, 2022. The strategy will be published later in the Fall.

Please see https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/nrcan-rncan/documents/critical-minerals-discussion-paper-eng-2.pdf

The policy makers are listening. The recent 30% Critical Mineral Exploration Tax Credit has already resulted in financings driving tens of millions of dollars of accretive investment. Your insights based on real life experience can make a difference.

Hope to hear from you at your earliest.

 Alanna can be contacted at alanna.clark@peartreecanada.com, and welcomes your comments on this piece.

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Ce rapport/article a été préparé à des fins d’information générale uniquement. Les opinions qui y figurent reflètent les points de vue de l’analyste et/ou de l’auteur à la date indiquée ci-dessus et ne constituent pas une recommandation ou un conseil d’investissement individuel, pas plus qu’elles ne doivent être considérées comme une sollicitation pour l’achat ou une offre de valeurs mobilières.

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