Government Relations

For over a decade PearTree has advocated for evidence based tax incentives in support of the resource sector including promoting the expansion of the uniquely Canadian flow-through share tax regime to include critical minerals now adopted.

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Learn More About PearTree Mining Finance

We have funded numerous transactions with mining companies, large institutions, and private equity funds. As the leading provider of flow-through capital and the originator of flow-through donation financings in Canada, we have deployed over $3 billion since inception.

Red canoes in a lake valley between trees and large mountains

What We Do

  • PearTree is a Canadian Securities Dealer and Investment Fund Manager

    Advancing over (CAD) $500 million annually for resource exploration and mine development in a uniquely Canadian structure which results in as much as $2.00 of capital deployed for every $1.00 invested by global institutions and family offices.

  • PearTree’s platform and Investor Capital

    Results in the triple benefit of reduced issuer dilution, reduced cost of share ownership, and enhanced governance within a Canadian regulatory environment ensuring that invested capital is deployed on site and for no other purpose.

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